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Pillars of Justice

Preparing for end of life

Legal and financial matters

Formal Legal documents explained

You can create some legal documents yourself, although it is usually wise to seek professional advice, such as from a solicitor.

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA)

What does an LPA do?

It gives legal power from you “the donor” to another person(s), called “the attorney(s)”, to make decisions on your behalf. So your attorney must be someone you trust to act as you would want them to and make decisions on your behalf. There are two types of LPA and both schemes are administered through the Office of the Public Guardian:


  • Health & Welfare LPA - This allows you to chose a person(s) to make decisions regarding for example your daily routine, where you are cared for, treatments that keep you alive. These powers will only be used when you are incapable of making your own decisions.

  • Property and Financial Affairs LPA - This allows you to choose one person(s) to make decisions about for example collecting benefits, paying bills or selling property. If you give them permission, they can start using this power straight away. 


It is useful to make sure your GP or health care provider knows that you have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place so that they know who to contact in an emergency. 

Making your will

Whilst wills can be made without a lawyer in extreme circumstances you are strongly advised to seek the services of a solicitor. Making a will can be relatively straight forward with the correct support and legal advice. However, emotionally it can be hard to face the decisions that are necessary to complete this process. 


In order to make a will, it would be advisable to choose a solicitor with whom you have a good rapport (a list of local solicitors that provide a will making service can be obtained from the Law Society via Prior to an initial meeting you will need to determine whether a will questionnaire needs to be completed. It is likely that you will need to consider the following:


  1. Who you would like to act as your Executors – these are friends or family members who you choose to deal with the administration of your estate following your death.

  2. Any specific items that you would like to leave to any beneficiaries of your will. 

  3. Who you would like to act as guardians for any children that are minors on your death.  

  4. To whom you would like to leave your estate. If you have more than one beneficiary, you may consider whether you would like to leave a proportion of your estate to a number of beneficiaries or a certain sum to a particular beneficiary and the remainder to others. 

For more information please refer to our page on the role of an Executor.

What if you don't make a will?

When someone dies without having made a will, their estate will be divided in accordance with the rules of intestacy. Where the estate passes will depend on the deceased’s family circumstances and it would be advisable to obtain legal advice at this stage. There is also a specific way of determining who should be responsible for dealing with the administration of the estate in these circumstances.

For independent advice

UK Government Guidance


Citizens Advice Guidance


Farming Community Network


Please be aware that there are many organisations that offer advice on making and administering a will because they have an interest in receiving a legacy. While this is often provided with the best intentions, such advice is not necessarily impartial.


Speak for me LPA 

Clare Fuller, a registered nurse with over 30 years experience in end of life care provides end of life care analysis and recommendations, including Lasting Power of Attorney consulting and drafting.

twitter @clairefuller17

T.07810 765552


Bereavement Support Service

The National Bereavement Service provides practical and emotional assistance after a death. If you or a loved one is experiencing loss, you can access free support today. The Bereavement Support Service can provide information on a wide range of legal matters including;

  • Pre-Death Planning - Helping you to get prepared ahead of time when expecting a loss.

  • Estate Planning
  • Will Writing Services
  • Trust Funds
  • Understanding your legal obligations following a death
  • Laws of intestacy
  • Bona Vacant
  • Debts after death​


The Helpline; T. 0800 0246 121


N.B. - Dying Matters in Rutland advises you that as developers of this website we do not endorse or favour any provider.  We do not accept any responsibility for the provisions identified on the website or the values or standards of any of the providers. We strongly advise you always to refer to the Care Quality Commission or other public regulatory bodies, in addition to information on providers' own websites, to satisfy yourself about the quality of the services being offered and their suitability for you and / or your family members. 

Who we are

Dying Matters in RUTLAND CIO, Reg. Charity No.1202452 is dedicated to improving end-of-life experiences for  people of all ages, their families and loved ones. It was initiated by Dr Sarah Furness, His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland. 

We are also very grateful for any support you may be able to give to Dying Matters in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland via donations, which will help us to continue to manage and enhance our website and other projects. Our work helps to ensure people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are able to have the best end of life experience possible.

Contact Us

Dying Matters in Rutland CIO, Registered Charity No.1202452


To contact Dying Matters in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, please message us via the contact page on this website or via email

© 2023 by Dying Matters in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Website created by Baslon Digital

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