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Get connected with help of the Tablet loan scheme!

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

Ref. Rutland News 12 November, Age UK

Much to the dismay of the whole country we now find ourselves in lockdown again. Whilst this will disrupt our services and support in Rutland, it is encouraging that during August, September and October, we were able to re-open the shop in Uppingham and resume the Men and Women in Sheds project at the Oakham Enterprise Park.

We look forward to re-opening the shop and the shed as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will continue to provide support, information and activities to older people across Rutland.

Whilst face to face activities are not currently available, it is reassuring to know that through our dedicated staff and volunteers, we are staying in touch with hundreds of older people and carers.

It is also encouraging to see that many people are participating in the range of virtual activities that we are currently offering, including a new Tablet Loan Scheme. If you need help or support or need some advice about accessing services and support, contact our local Development Workers - Yvonne or Penny. Our Covid Helpline number also remains operational seven days a week. Anyone struggling with the impact of lockdown can call 0116 2992239 for help.

Tony Donovan, Executive Director

Get connected : Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s Tablet Loan Offer The loan period is for 12 weeks, free of charge and is a fantastic opportunity to try out a tablet if you are thinking about buying one. The tablet comes Internet ready with everything that you will need to get connected, you don’t need to have a internet in your home. For further information about the Tablet Loan Offer and how to get involved, please contact Penny.

Virtual Activity Sessions Monday Club 2pm Mondays weekly virtual cup of tea and chat via phone landline Monday’s Tea 3.00pm from 16th November weekly, with the last one of the year on 14th December with Festive fun Preserving and/or Fermenting Food Group 11am Tuesday 17th November & Tuesday 15th December open to all ages so we can learn from each other Dementia support group 10.30am Tuesdays for those living with dementia and their carers Fun Quiz 2 .30pm Wednesday 18th November, all welcome Memory café Wednesday 25th November 10.30am for those living with dementia and their carer’s. Virtual Coffee morning 10.30am open to anyone over 50, carers & volunteers Thursday 26th November & Thursday 10th December (Sub titles available if hearing is difficult) Sing along at 2.30pm 10th December Festive sing along New Photography Group next date to be arranged Please contact Yvonne or Penny if you would like to join any of the above. If you need help with getting online let us know.

Age UK Local Contact Details Oakham & North Rutland - Yvonne Rawlings 077388 20910 or 01572 823942(answer phone) Uppingham & South Rutland - Penny Stimpson 07715 960167 or 01572 822 171 (answer phone) Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland Advice Line free, confidential & independent for anything affecting your quality of later life 9am to 1pm weekdays 0116 299 2278 or dedicated Corona virus helpline 9.00 -5.00pm Monday to Friday for practical and emotional help - 0116 299 2239.

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